Habitat trees for Scops owl

Goričko is known for its bird richness and among is Scops owl. This small owl, which mainly feeds on large insects, like grasshoppers, is otherwise typical of the Karst-Primorska region. The population of the Scops owl was estimated at 180-200 nesting pairs in 1999, but is nowadays estimated at just about 60 nesting pairs.  Protection of the most important foraging habitats, like species-rich meadows and hedges, sufficient number of suitable nesting places is crucial for the long-term protection of Scops owl in Goričko. In the past, Scops owl predominately nests in cavities of hollow high tree trunk fruit trees, where an abundance of nesting places was sufficient as a result of a high number of orchards. As a result of orchard abandonment or removal the lack of natural nesting places in tress became an issue for Scops owl. This negative effect have been reduced in recent years by installing nest boxes.

In order to preserve the most important cavities, JZ KPG concluded contracts with tree owners within the Gorička krajina project for the protection of 50 habitat trees. These are trees of various species, most often apple trees, which were assessed by the project partner DOPPS- BirdLife Slovenia as suitable cavities for Scops owl according to the entrance size and the size of the cavity itself. The protection contracts, which are valid until 2026, stipulate that the owners must prune the trees three times during this period in return for financial compensation with rejuvenation pruning and removal of any mistletoe bushes. Cavities should not be removed during pruning.

Beside or on the habitat trees, information boards on Scops owl will be placed as an information for locals and visitors of the Natura 2000 Goričko area.