Borders separate. Nature unites!
Borders separate. Nature unites!
30 Years of Networking for Nature: The European Green Belt.
Monday, September 9th, 2019
9:00 - 15:00, Grad Castle, Goričko Nature Park
Introductory greetings
- Goričko Nature park director, Nemzeti Őrségi park Director, President of Slovenian Nature Parks Asossiation
- Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning R Slovenia
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs R Slovenia
Uwe Riecken, BfN, Germany: Special case Green Belt Germany - political, practical and legal development.
- Introduction: Special case of the inner-German Iron Curtain
- How it all began: from the Death Zone to life line: the Green Belt
- Projects and cooperation
- Concrete projects (nature conservation and regional development)
- The Green Belt Germany becomes a national natural monument in Germany
- The Green Belt as a model for the DMZ in Korea
Alois Lang, National Park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Austria: Opportunities for networking for nature and regional development in the future.
- Communicating nature conservation issues based on Europe’s history
- Reaching more target groups and multipliers
- The challenge of the “invisibility” of the Green Belt
- How to achieve progress for economic development in (former) border areas
Gregor Domanjko, Istvan Szentirmai, SI-HU: Goričko Nature Park/ NP Őrség: Dare to connect, Danube region program.
- Should we connect habitats cross border for endangered species?
- Conclusion and outlook.